Mulch Monsters

A Speculative Product and Service by Ray Pai [C]

Mulch Monsters are automated composting machines that subvert the common perception of composting in homes. Food waste sent to landfills break down into methane, a greenhouse gas that depletes the ozone layer. An approach to reducing food waste is to encourage composting, which breaks food waste down into mulch. Mulch can be used in community gardens or for your own houseplants. That’s why Mulch Monster is framed as an opportunity to be health conscious and prosocial towards the community.

Mulch Monsters subvert the common misconception that composting smells bad, takes up too much space, and is labor intensive. Insted, it’s compact, automated, and educates users on how to reduce odors. In addition, it encourages behavior change by providing encouraging data through a supplementary app, which shows the quality of the mulch. Lastly, Mulch Monster is designed with the consideration of unintended consequences. With the concern that Mulch Monster makes throwing away food waste TOO fun, the supplementary app encourages users to produce quality mulch instead of large quanitites of mulch.


A Tabletop Campaign by Emily Zhou [P]

AI.plant is a plant adoption campaign questions what it takes to feel fulfilled and how that differs from person to person. Expectations are shifting as younger generations are opting to remain child-free, instead devoting their love and attention to pets, partners, careers and interests. AI.plant pushes this into speculative territory by throwing AI-embedded plants into the mix, reiterating that your life decisions are yours alone, and only you get to decide your definition of fulfillment.